Deceptive by Emily Lloyd- Jones
Publisher- July 14th 205
Released- Little Brown Books for YA
Don't miss this thrilling, high-stakes sequel to Illusive.You don’t belong with us. These are the words that echo through the minds of all immune Americans—those suffering the so-called adverse effects of an experimental vaccine, including perfect recall, body manipulation, telepathy, precognition, levitation, mind-control, and the ability to change one’s appearance at will.When immune individuals begin to disappear—in great numbers, but seemingly at random—fear and tension mount, and unrest begins to brew across the country. Through separate channels, super-powered teenagers Ciere, Daniel, and Devon find themselves on the case; super criminals and government agents working side-by-side. It’s an effort that will ultimately define them all—for better or for worse.
My Thoughts:
After reading Illusive, I was instantly addicted by this explosive world and couldn't wait to get my hands on book two. Deceptive is just as crazy amazing as book one and even better then I expected.
Emily Lloyd-Jones is such a fantastic storyteller! I absolutely love the her writing style. It's fast paced, in your face and solid entertainment from the first page, on. I adore the concept of super-powered teens working with different government agents with a mystery that entwines them together again. Ciere and Alan, Devon, and Daniel all work with different organizations, but I think that's what I love most about this series. They are friends, or well, not each others enemies. As an immune, they have no choice but to work with their 'respected organizations', but when push comes to shove, they are still protecting each other and when they're working together, the chemistry is off the charts fun.
The plot is a complete rush and I can't express how gripping and thrilling this series is. It's constantly moving, unpredictable and while I might not have cared for the whole mob/government agents before in my reads, I can't help but be addicted to it now. Then again, the whole immune powers really puts this in a rather intriguing place. But really, it's these incredible characters that really own this book. Cirea is a firecracker, Alan is protective and wonderful and Devon is still hilarious, reckless and amazing. I was happy to see more of Daniel in this book since he didn't play a huge role in the first book. I think I've got to know him better and while he's still somewhat of a mystery, I loved what he brought into this world. I'm also happy to see that some romance is playing out in this book, but I'm not sure it was the romance I was hoping for...still, it was sweet and I'm looking forward to seeing more.
Bottom line, I loved this book. The writing, the concept, the storyline and the characters. This one has it all. It's fun and funny with quick wit and charming banter with an endless stream of action and thrills. The ending was decent enough, but there has to be more. It simple can't end here and I for one can't wait for the next book! An addicting read!
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