to our second edition of WinterHaven SnowPeak where we give you a
little sneak peak of what’s to come this month, what we’re most
excited about, and some music to keep you busy throughout the month.
What's coming this month?!?
Well we have two events that have us bouncing in our seats, and we can't wait to share them with you!
So besides the great give-aways, reviews, blog tours, WOWs and StSs that we have planned - make sure you visit us on September 24, 2012.
We’re having a Diety (Covenant #3) party happening here, and you won’t
want to miss the excitement and fun surprise! It’s going to be great, so
stay tuned!
Also, for our Aussie YA Lit fans that didn't catch our WOW this past week, we’ll definitely be reading the release of Charyn of Quintana by Melina Marchetta when it comes out on September 26, 2012 by Viking Australia. If you’ve preordered your book, let us know!
Attention all Blogs
WinterHaven Books wants to try our hand at hosting a WinterHaven Sleigh Tour
during the Christmas Season. We’re thinking fun give-aways, winter book
wishes for elementary schools, holiday/winter book spotlights, reviews
and more! Oh and WinterHaven will host a holiday gift basket! Sounds fun, right? Well if you’d like to either
co-host the tour with us or participate in any form email us at
winterhavenbooks(at)gmail(dot)com, and we’ll be sure to include you in
the Holiday Festivities!
SnowPeak Monthly Music Playlist
that, we’re leaving you with a little "hold music" as you wait for
our Deity, Charyn of Quintana, and other exciting events . We hope you enjoy our Monthly Music Playlist!!
Deity – Song Choices
I Won't Give Up - Jason Mraz
Collide - Howie Day
Lost in the Echo - Linkin Park
I Won't Give Up - Jason Mraz
Collide - Howie Day
Lost in the Echo - Linkin Park
Charyn of Quintana – Song Choice
Feel Again - One Republic
So if you enjoyed those, here's some more hold music that caught our attention.
Drive By - Train
Thank you to our followers for helping us grow this blog. We hope you’re having a great time stopping by and joining in on the fun! September is going to be an awesome month, so make sure to come with your party hats to celebrate at WinterHaven.
So if you enjoyed those, here's some more hold music that caught our attention.
Like a Stone - AudioSlave
Some Nights - FunDrive By - Train
Thank you to our followers for helping us grow this blog. We hope you’re having a great time stopping by and joining in on the fun! September is going to be an awesome month, so make sure to come with your party hats to celebrate at WinterHaven.

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