Publisher: De Ray (Random House)
Release Date: January 28, 2014
Purchase: Amazon / Barnes & Noble
The war begins...My Thoughts:
Darrow is a Helldiver, one of a thousand men and women who live in the vast caves beneath the surface of Mars. Generations of Helldivers have spent their lives toiling to mine the precious elements that will allow the planet to be terraformed. Just knowing that one day people will be able to walk the surface of the planet is enough to justify their sacrifice. The Earth is dying, and Darrow and his people are the only hope humanity has left.
Until the day Darrow learns that it is all a lie. Mars is habitable - and indeed has been inhabited for generations by a class of people calling themselves the Golds. The Golds regard Darrow and his fellows as slave labour, to be exploited and worked to death without a second thought.
With the help of a mysterious group of rebels, Darrow disguises himself as a Gold and infiltrates their command school, intent on taking down his oppressors from the inside.
But the command school is a battlefield. And Darrow isn't the only student with an agenda...
There are just no words to describe what I am feeling right now. I just finished Red Rising and OMG what in the hale did I just read??!! This book was not at all what I was expecting and I mean WOW just W.O.W! I have never had an author shock me like Mr. Brown just did.
If you think you know what this book is about you don't I can promise you that. The beginning and first few parts were what I had expected, but when Darrow goes to "school" all hell breaks loose and the whole story just turns completely upside down. I'm not going to give a summary because well I really couldn't if I tried and this is another book where I think readers will benefit from not knowing everything. My mind is totally blown by this book and I am quite happy at the moment.
I know Darrow's end goal and that it was never supposed to change, but after seeing what he goes through I am wondering if his allegiance will waver. My heart broke for him and at the end of part one I couldn't breathe. The author did a fantastic job creating this world and drawing me in. I felt like I was living in this strange place and honestly I wanted a Helldiver husband of my own. What happens in this first part is devastating and I wasn't sure how the rest of the story would go on, but man does it ever.
Darrow is not like any other character I have read before. He learns from his lessons and adapts where most would just crumble and follow others. He proved time and time again that he was everything he needed to be to take down his goal and I have to say that when the next book comes out I will be the first in line. I want to see where Darrow takes his new found life and whether or not he stays true to himself and his people. I want to see the WAR people!
I did get some what confused at the end with so much going on. After thinking about it for awhile I do finally understand but the whole Olympus tie in kinda threw me for a bit. If this messes with you don't stop reading I promise it is all worth it. Just don't think too much of the names, they are just people with gods names I think anyway. I am guessing the next book will elaborate on all this.
Like I said I have never had a book totally throw me before and this one did. I never knew what to expect when I turned the page. It was a bloody mess with war, violence, murder, and slaves. Really though what more do you need?! I think the author did a fantastic job opening with that first part. If the book would have omitted that I am not sure I would have fallen in love like I did. I needed that part to show me what Darrow was fighting for and to see just how broken he really was. I will say one final thing I don't want him to move on, I know that is selfish of me but I want him to stay true to his vows at least for awhile. I'm not ready to move yet.
Brilliant story that I promise will blow your minds!
4.5 snowflakes
We participated in the Release Day Party for Red Rising and as part of the package we were sent an amazing playlist from the author himself. The songs Mr.Brown selected are perfect and I am so glad that he shared them with us! Take a listen!
I agree that this book is totally unexpected, and I enjoyed it. My only complaint is that I pretty much forgot the dystopian aspect for much of the story. I felt like we were in a medieval battle. To me this was more of a war book, than a dystopian. But, I'm up for the next book, and I am always up for an unexpected story. Great review!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree. I didn't expect a war story at all and when I found out they were going to battle I didn't think it would take up the whole book. I'm thinking the sequel will take us back to the dystopian world which I am ready for. Thanks Annette!
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