It has been an exciting month for us and we are at the end of our Aussie August! We decided to go out with a bang and what better series to do this with than the Night Creatures series??! Arlene and I have been long time fans of this series and so we decided to leave this month with our reviews and a giveaway!

Imagine a place where there are no elders, no rules, no punishment; only music, laughter and freedom. Welcome to Ixion! Island of ever-night, ever-youth and never-sleep. BURN BRIGHT! This is the place where modesty is kin to sin and baby bats run to in search of pleasure. But remember, when you live in darkness, you also live with creatures of the dark.
Woah! What a creeptastic book in the best possible way!
Burn Bright definitely commands your attention from page one as Marianne de Pierres takes you on a journey filled with bizarre twists, sinister settings, and uniquely subtle characters. I found myself captivated as I traveled an undefined time and place along the paths of Ixion leaving me continually on the edge of my seat.
This book is a definite contender for top-spot among note-worthy ya-dystopic novels that deserve a captive audience! Now if only US Publishers will start picking up these worthy books and making them available to us avid readers so we don’t have to scour the net and pay hefty shipping prices in order to own these little gems, but I digress…
As I mentioned, the setting is so completely vivid that it just feels dark and sinister as you turn the corners and walk down dark paths with the cast of this book. The characters are carefully crafted that it’s impossible not to fall for them, but simultaneously wonder what their hidden agendas might be. Retra was a worthy main character as her journey throughout the book was one of growth, constant challenge and increasingly bold moves. Markes and Lenior added a good balance to the mix of intriguing characters where they all played equally vital roles none commanding the stage more than others.
Marianne de Pierres cleverly adds several moving parts such as established gangs, including the White Wings, Freaks, Ghosts and League who oppose the Ripers (or Guardians) that are in place to protect the baby bats. There is also the Youth Circle which somewhat serves as the judicial system within Ixion, but isn’t highly trusted by the inhabitants especially the gangs. Lastly, there are the outlaws headed by Ruzalia, who execute rescue missions for the inhabitants on the verge of being faded out of the system. All very clever and unique, which provides for constant surprises and twists.
Now the writing.. What can I say that I haven’t said before about Aussie writers? They come from this mystical land filled with magical water or food… maybe it’s the vegemite. I don’t know. But it goes without saying, their writing sets them apart and their prose is elegantly crafted. I can’t for the life of me figure out how so many Aussie writers so seamlessly dominate the literary world with their fantastical stories! Unlike vegemite, though, their books are easy on the palate and leave you craving for more. They feel completely real and full of depth and Burn Bright is no exception.
I will warn you now, this story grabs your attention from the beginning, so if you start this book late into the evening, you’ll likely be pulling an all-nighter. So, take the journey to Ixion, it’s well worth the adventure.
Thanks to my Street Corner Booker friend Nomes for rec’ing this story to me. I can’t wait for the next installment!
4 Snowflakes

Completely Addicting!
Angel Arias is the second installment in the Night Creature series and I have to say Marianne de Pierres sure knows how to world build and create a dark and compelling setting that has you sitting at the edge of your seat! Great addition to the series that has me excited to see how this story unfolds.
In Angel Arias Retra, now called Naif, travels back to Grave with her fellow run-away Markes to try and find a way to reverse the effects of the badges they got on Ixiom which is shortening their lives. Ixiom is in turmoil and the Ripers that watch over the runaways and enforce the rules are not what they appear to be. They’ve been seen back at Grave talking to the Elders. So Naif and Markes head back in the hopes of discovering what the Ripers and Elders are conspiring and how they can save their friends back at Ixiom. In their quest, they learn that Angel Arias is the night song that plays to let the run-aways of Grave know when the barge is coming to lead them to Ixiom. But who controls that song? Who is truly luring them to Ixiom and for what purpose?
It was great to see Naif’s character continue to grow in this story and become the strong, quiet leader that intrigued me in the first book. In Angel Arias she continually takes risks and pulls through for her friends to help them survive the dangers of Ixiom. I was confused about her relationship with Markes as opposed to Lenoir, but I’m certain that was purposeful on de Pierres part. I’m really curious to see the direction she is headed with these three main characters. The new set of secondary characters where a great addition to the story. Perfectly done!
I won’t offer any spoilers, but I will say Wow! Just wow! I did not see that coming until the final hour. What Naif and Markes discover at Grave is sure to cause an explosive conclusion. Excitement!
4 Snowflakes

I started the Night Creatures series just over two years ago I believe and every book has just gotten better and better and this last book Shine Light was the perfect ending to an amazing series.
Shine Light is the conclusion to Marianne de Pierres frightening world and it picks up where Angel Arias left off, with Naif going back to Ixion to stop the Rippers from killing innocent people. She definitely has her work cut out for her and Lenoir, the leader of the Rippers, isn't going to make it any easier on her. Naif fights with everything she has to stop the corruption and save the ones she loves.
This final book is a very quick read but it packs a lot of punch. I devoured every single word and I am really going to miss this world. It is creepy, dark, and just amazing. The characters were fantastic and while I do wish there would have been some resolution to certain relationships I do understand that not everything can be wrapped up in a bow. I m craving one more chapter though, one that describes what happened to everybody and the Elders. After everything we learned I really wanted to know what happened after certain events took place.
Marianne de Pierres is definitely one of my favorite authors and I am going right now as type to order her other series. Her creativity amazes me and I would love nothing more than to get lost in another one of her worlds.
4 snowflakes
Giveaway time! We are giving away the set of 3 books to one luck reader!
Believe me you won't want to miss this series so make sure to enter below!