
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Spotlight & Giveaway: Morgan Rhodes

 I am probably one of the last people in the blogger universe who hasn't read the Falling Kingdom series by Morgan Rhodes.  I've wanted to for awhile and it has been on my tbr for well forever, but I kept pushing it aside for some reason.  When I was approached by Penguin to join in the promo for the upcoming fourth book in the series, I jumped at the chance because I knew it was time to start these bad boys!  The first book in the series is over 400 pages and I read 300 in one day!  Yes it is that amazing!  I can't believe I waited so long!  Thank you Penguin for giving me the push I needed!  My review will definitely be up soon because I know I will devour the rest of Falling Kingdoms tonight!

Okay on to the promo part of the spotlight! As part of the promo I was asked to describe what kingdom I would love to rule.  After much thought I ruled out Game of Thrones because everyone who rules dies and well I don't want to die and I ruled out Morgan Rhodes world because I need to know what happens in the first few books before I queen myself ruler.  I don't want to queen myself and then 3 books later find out my kingdom doesn't even exist anymore!  So, I decided I would love to rule the Dark Court in Melissa Marr's Wicked Lovely series.  
Wicked Lovely (Wicked Lovely, #1)
Yes I am bringing the old school back with this one!  I love Fae stories and Marr's series was so dark and I loved how evil her Dark Court Faeries were.  If you ask my blog roomies they will tell you I love all the dark things so this would totally suit my darker side!  Plus I could wear all kinds of fun costumes and would totally have wicked powers! 

What world would you love to rule???

If you haven't picked up Morgan Rhodes series then you are missing out!  
Here's what you need to know abut the series!
Falling Kingdoms (Falling Kingdoms, #1) Rebel Spring (Falling Kingdoms, #2) Gathering Darkness (Falling Kingdoms, #3) Frozen Tides (Falling Kingdoms, #4)

Morgan Rhodes
About the Author:

3 winners will each receive the first 3 books in the Falling Kingdoms series.
Hosted by Penguin
Fill out the form below to enter.
Open to US residents only
Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. I'm hoping to buddy read Falling Kingdoms soon with one of my GR friends. I've had it on my shelf since March. There are lots of worlds I'd love to rule, but if I only get one I'd pick the different worlds of Earth Girl by Janet Edwards. I love the complexities of the different sectors, and how everyone lives on different planets that have their own category. Sectors with names of University social organizations - Epsilon, Kappa, Gamma, Beta. It's so cool!
