
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday: Summer of Sloane by Erin L. Schneider

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases we can't wait to get our hands on.
Here's my selection for this week…
Expected publication: May 3, 2016
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion
Warm Hawaiian sun. Lazy beach days. Flirty texts with her boyfriend back in Seattle.

These are the things seventeen-year-old Sloane McIntyre pictured when she imagined the summer she’d be spending at her mom’s home in Hawaii with her twin brother, Penn. Instead, after learning an unthinkable secret about her boyfriend, Tyler, and best friend, Mick, all she has is a fractured hand and a completely shattered heart.

Once she arrives in Honolulu, though, Sloane hopes that Hawaii might just be the escape she needs. With beach bonfires, old friends, exotic food, and the wonders of a waterproof cast, there’s no reason Sloane shouldn’t enjoy her summer. And when she meets Finn McAllister, the handsome son of a hotel magnate who doesn’t always play by the rules, she knows he’s the perfect distraction from everything that’s so wrong back home.

But it turns out a measly ocean isn’t nearly enough to stop all the emails, texts, and voicemails from her ex-boyfriend and ex-best friend, desperate to explain away their betrayal. And as her casual connection with Finn grows deeper, Sloane’s carefree summer might not be as easy to find as she’d hoped. Weighing years of history with Mick and Tyler against their deception, and the delicate possibility of new love, Sloane must decide when to forgive, and when to live for herself. 

I'm always in the mood for a good YA contemporary novel.  Add a bit of sand, sun and fun and that's the perfect ingredients for my type of reading enjoyment! Summer of Sloane is Erin L. Schneider's debut novel, and I can't wait to dive into this book!  I'm hoping it turns out that I can add Schneider to my list of contemporary faves, such as Dessen, Kirby, Forman, Morgan and Matson to name a few.
Sooo, what book are you waiting on? Be sure to link me up! :)

1 comment:

  1. This book sounds really good! I love contemporaries that doesn't fall in clichés and this one looks like something I would love.
    Great pick!
