
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday

 Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. 
This weeks topic is..
 Wishes I'd Ask The Book Genie To Grant Me

1. If I had my own genie that granted me two bookish wishes or bookish superpowers what would they be? Hmmm....that's a tough one!
How wonderful it would be to click your heels like Dorothy, or hop into a phone booth like Dr. Who and teleport to any library you wish at any given time! Better yet...your favorite character is your doorman in the teleporting phonebooth!

2. I will admit, the thought of remembering any line in any book at any given time would be fantastic, but I wouldn't burn my last wish on that. But, I would wish for a a whimsical library of my own where the doorway looks like a knot in a massive tree. Its ceiling would be made of a domed glass so I can read under a blanket of stars year round. Books would line the circular walls except for where one portion is glass from floor to ceiling, and a stone hearth juts out meeting an oversized furry rug. Bean bags, a fridge filled with Coca-Cola, and a gummy bears dispenser

1. Ability to visit bookstores from around the world whenever I choose.
2. Ability to teleport myself into the setting of the books I choose.

1. I would have to pick the ability to freeze time and read for as long I as needed.
2. I would love to have endless dinners with different authors every night.

1. A superpower that would allow me to stop time whenever I read, so I could dive into a good book without feeling like I should be studying or doing something else.
2. A movie night watching Clueless with Jane Austen

1. My number one wish wish would be for JKR to do a prequel and a sequel of Harry Potter. Oh, the  possibilities!
2. My second biggest wish I would want granted from the book Genie would be, Midnight Sun from Stephenie Meyer. Yup, I want Midnight Sun to be completed and I want the rest of the Twilight books in Edwards pov and I want a three book sequel. Gimmie!
3. My last wish would be for the making of the Where she Went movie. 

Hmm I think I want all my roomie's wishes too! So many amazing ones!  Tina I have to agree with you the most though I want Midnight Sun!! 
Leave me a link so I can see all your bookish wishes!