
Monday, August 3, 2015

WinterHaven Team Post & Giveaway - Our Listopia!

It's been a while since the WinterHaven Team has done a team post, and we thought what better way to get together than to share some of our book secrets with our blog followers. Sooo, get ready as we talk about some of our favorite books. Also, be sure to enter the giveaway below!

A book you've read over and over again:

AmberAnna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins.

Arlene: I'm on the same page as Milka. I don't re-read too many YA books multiple times only because there is so much out there for me to choose from.  I rarely feel I have time to go back and re-read something. However there is one book that I've read a couple of times, and I've been meaning to make some time to dive into it again, and that is Raw Blue by Kirsty Eager. I really want to re-read that again soon.

BrittMockingjay by Suzanne Collins! Why did all the people hate this?! I thought it was freakin' amazing! I finished it and immediately re-read it twice through.

Crystal:  Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling! I will never stop rereading these books!

Milka: Hmm. There are not that many YA books I've read multiple times, but the one that comes to my mind instantly is Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, which I have read three times. My number one book for rereads is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, which I have read probably 30 times.

Tina: Kiss An Angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips.

A book you won't easily admit you've read and loved:
Amber: Hmmm....not sure about this one. I'll ponder it more...

Arlene: Okay, I'm going to say Insurgent by Veronica Roth. Now let me explain… I LOVED the first book and waited too long to jump back into the series, so when I heard what she did to one of her main characters at the end, I told many, many people I would not finish the series. How could an author do that to one of her main characters??? Well fast forward to the movie coming out, and I couldn't in good faith see the movie without reading the book. When I finished the series, I thought it was pretty good. Does that mean I have to go back to all those people that I said I changed my mind? I hope not!

Britt: The Fae Chronicles by Amelia Hutchins. I am not usually into like R rated books, but these are my guilty pleasure.

Crystal: Oh this is a hard question! Most of my books I hide are my adult fiction books...hmm I guess and I can't believe I am admitting this, but this answer has to be Vampire Kisses by Ellen Schreiber.

Milka: I am not one really to be embarrassed of books I read - some books are meant to be just entertainment, and I don't think there's anything wrong in entertaining yourself. I guess something like the Twilight Saga, which I absolutely loved back in the day, would go into this category.

TinaI don't have a book-book, but does Twilight Fanfiction count? :p 

A book you read in school that you absolutely adore:
Amber: Well, since I wasn't a big reader in school, I'm going to mention the book series that honestly started my love of reading and that is the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. I admit it. I couldn't read those stories fast enough!

Arlene: I have to go with The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. I loved that book then and now. I think that's the first book that taught me - if you love an author's novel, then read everything they've got out there. So, yes I also gobbled up That was Then, This is Now as well as Rumble Fish. Great author!

Britt: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. My love of fantasy began right here so it will always have a place in my bookish heart.

Crystal:  I have to go with a classic here Macbeth by William Shakespeare. Dark and twisty that's me! 

MilkaThe Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison - not an adorable book in any way, but so beautifully written. This one will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Tina: Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery.

A book you have more than one copy of:
Amber: Well, if I can include ebook format into that...there are many! My favorite as of now would be The Kiss of Deception and The Heart of Betrayal by Mary E. Pearson.

Arlene: There are quite a few books that I have an eBook version and a hardcopy version, but the one book that I've collected the hardcopy, paperback and eBook is Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. I have a signed copy by the author, and that's not something I was willing to lend out back in the day, so I purchased an extra paperback version whenever someone wanted to borrow the book. Okay… I'll go hide in shame now...

Britt: I am NOT a collector of books but since Sarah Maas' Throne of Glass series is my favorite I have prints and hard copies and e books too.

Crystal:  Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini.

MilkaPride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

Tina: Twilight by Stephenie Meyer & The Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout.

The last book that made you cry:
AmberFinding Cinderella by Colleen Hoover.

Arlene: I actually have a bookshelf on GR for books that make me cry because there aren't that many out there. So I'm embarrassed to say the last time I read a book that made me cry was in March of 2014! It was Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. I can't wait to read the sequel that will soon be coming out. Maybe I can dust that shelf off and add another book to the list. 

Britt: Hmmmm My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick. Anything that deals with death or a close call with it cracks my heart in half.

Crystal: I make it a rule to never read anything that makes me cry so this category I can't answer. I just don't like the feeling I get when I read and cry so yep I avoid it. Plus I am an ugly crier and nobody needs to see that lol.

MilkaAll the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr.

Tina: Sentinel by Jennifer L. Armentrout (That ending!)

The last book that made you laugh out loud:
Amber: This is my go-to book when I remember laughing the most. This book had me up until 3:00 a.m., where I had to crawl out of bed and sit on the floor beside it because I was certain my laughing shakes would wake my husband! Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley.

Arlene: That would have to be The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion. I hear they are making a movie out of the book. I can't wait to see who they cast for the film!

Britt: An Echo in the bone by Diana Gabaldon. I just find her dialogue so funny sometimes and I love her character. At this point in the series i am so incredibly invested that I feel like part of the family. Ian & Fergus crack me up of course the children are funny too!

Crystal: Okay this really made me realize that I need to read more light hearted things! The only book I could find that I remembered laughing at was Storm Front by Jim Butcher. I need comedy recs people!

Milka: Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen.

Tina: The Hash Tag series by Cambria Hebert.

Lastly, if you could only read one genre for the rest of your life what would it be? Be more specific than just YA. :) 
Arlene: Hands down that would be YA Contemporary! I've always been a fan of that genre, and I don't see that changing any time soon.

Britt: I am always and forever a fantasy fan! ALL types is okay by me be it adult or YA.

Crystal: Again this is so hard to answer because my tastes change constantly, so I am going to say Urban Fantasy. I love creepy, but too much and I start freaking out at the slightest sound. Urban Fantasy always keeps me entertained and never lets me down!

Milka: YA contemporary. Though I love books in fantastical elements, for me the real magic can be found from the way talented authors make the often bleak normalcy of life (and being a teenager) filled with magic and cute guys and strong girls.

Tina: That's a hard question since there are too many awesome genre's, but if I have to pick? YA Paranormal.
Well we hope you enjoyed our list of favorites and so much more. If there's a book on our list that caught your eye, be sure to enter our rafflecopter for a chance to win a US$10 Book Shopping Spree at either The Book Depository, US Barnes & Noble or US Amazon. Be sure to fill out the rafflecopter and comment on any of the categories we listed above. We'd love to hear what books are your favorites, your criers and your hidden pleasures!


  1. Macbeth is my school favorite as well! Also, Harry Potter can be read anytime :)

  2. I would choose YA paranormal, if I could only pick one.

  3. I LOVED the Vampire Kisses series. I must admit, I still haven't read the last on in the series, but I still refuse to get rid of my copies of the series :)

  4. Your Twilight love/shame/ fanfic admissions cracked me up. I have the hardcover, movie tie in, and movie companions of the series (with matching bookmarks) lol.
    The one book I reread constantly is The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay. I can't get enough of the characters, the relationship between the mc's as well as the group, and the writing. It's my all time favorite book, and my inspiration when I'm in a writing slump.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it Stephanie! Those were hard to admit! :D

  5. I agree with reading Anna and the French Kiss over and over. I love that story. I keep it close to the bed so I can pick it up when needed.

  6. I also loved the Vampire Kisses series although I still haven't finished it. I just came across it on my shelf again the other week and it made me kind of want to reread them and finish the series especially since they're really short and quick reads.

  7. I love My Life Next Door a lot. Such a sweet story with great characters!

  8. Kiss an Angel - fantastic book! :)

  9. Twilight was my very first book I read and I was 24 years old. I loved it and will always be thankful for that series because it brought me my love of reading. Thank you for your post!
    P.S. Tina I still read Twilight fanfiction!

  10. If I had to read one genre for the rest of my life, I would definitely choose horror.

    Thanks for the chance to win!!

    -Amber Terry-

  11. I think the book I have read the most times throughout my life is Interview With A Vampire, it started my love of all things paranormal. As a kid though, I read Little House In The Big Woods enough times that I might have read that one more. :)

  12. I really enjoyed many of the books I read for school! Les Miserables and A Tale of Two Cities are two favorite reads of mine :)

  13. I read The Importance of Being Earnest for a drama class and loved it!
