
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Blog Tour Review: The Truth Commission by Susan Juby

Today I am joining in the blog tour for The Truth Commission by Susan Juby hosted by the publisher!

The Truth CommissionThe Truth Commission by Susan Juby
Publisher: Viking Books for Young Readers
Release Date: April 14, 2015
Purchase: Amazon
Open secrets are the heart of gossip—the things that no one is brave or clueless enough to ask. That is, except for Normandy Pale and her friends Dusk and Neil. They are juniors at Green Pastures Academy of Art and Applied Design, and they have no fear.

They are the Truth Commission.

Then, one of their truth targets says to Normandy: "If you want to know about the truth, you might want to look a little closer to home." And that means facing Keira, Normandy's brilliant older sister, the creator of a bestselling graphic novel series, who has left college and come home under mysterious circumstances, and in complete silence.

Even for a Truth Commissioner, there are some lines that cannot be crossed.

This dryly funny, knife-sharp novel, written as "narrative nonfiction" by Normandy herself, features footnotes, illustrations, and a combination mystery/love story that will capture readers from the first page.

My Thoughts:
This book really made me think about my own personal life and what truths I stray away from.  And I really liked that, was everything I found out about myself, but it was a real eye opener that's for sure.

Normandy (love that name by the way) and her friends decide that they need to hunt for the truth.  They start The Truth Commission in the hopes of helping people by speaking their truths and letting them know its okay to face your fears.  At first this seemed to be all about gossip, but when I found out Norm and her friends weren't doing it to spread gossip and rumors I liked the book all the more.  I liked that they just wanted to help people. They didn't get the reaction they wanted all the time and they found out that truth hurts sometimes.  When Norm looked at her truth the story really took off and it was amazing.

I couldn't wait for Norm to stand up to her sister and her family.  Her sister Keira is a graphic novelist and she literally uses her family for inspiration. She created this world based on her family only using characters that only vaguely look like them.  Everyone knows its them, but no one says anything about it.  And what's worse is that Keira takes the worst of everyone and creates a story. It was all just sad and I hated that Norm had to endure that kind of life.  Her parents were very much on the Keira bandwaggon and it broke my heart.  I normally hate parents in YA books and this one was no exception.  Even with Norm's explanation I still didn't like them and I think most people will agree.  Keira really was a piece of work and I can't believe what she did and what was unearthed at the end.  It was just cruel and I wanted to stand up for Norm myself.  I'm glad Norm found people who backed her up because she deserved more than her parents and Keira.

What I found fascinating about this book is how true it really is.  I mean I think everyone would love to go up to the people they know and just flat out ask what that persons truth is.  I think it's better that we don't because sometimes those truths will hurt, but I think we can all relate to this story.  And this has actually made me want to be more truthful in my own life.  Will I own up to everything no, but I think I will start taking more responsibility in my life.

One thing I have to mention is the writing.  I love Aussie writers, they all have this way with words that I can't find with any other author.  Susan Juby is the exception.  Her writing was amazing and I loved how easy it was to just fall into this story.  It was funny, heartbreaking, uplifting, and incredible.  This book reminded of my Aussie favorites and I can't wait to read more for Ms.Juby.

Oh and a special mention to Norm's friends.  I loved Neil and I did have a hard time with Dusk, but in the end she proved to be amazing.  I did have a hard time with all the footnotes.  I loved them to pieces and I think it added a really fun element to the story, but I didn't get a lot of the references.  That would be my only complaint.  

Part of this blog tour is listing two truths and a lie.  Can you spot my lie??
1. I am a dental assistant
2.  I once pulled the silent alarm at a bank
3. I love coconut

What's your two truths and a lie?

 4 Snowflakes

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