
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday, #51

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases we can't wait to get our hands on.
Here's my selection for this week...

Fates (Fates #1) by Lanie Bross
Expected Publication: February 11, 2014
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers

What if your destiny was to kill the one you love?

One moment. One foolish desire. One mistake. And Corinthe lost everything.

She fell from her tranquil life in Pyralis Terra and found herself exiled to the human world. Her punishment? To make sure people’s fates unfold according to plan. Now, years later, Corinthe has one last assignment: kill Lucas Kaller. His death will be her ticket home.

But for the first time, Corinthe feels a tingle of doubt. It begins as a lump in her throat, then grows toward her heart, and suddenly she feels like she’s falling all over again—this time for a boy she knows she can never have. Because it is written: one of them must live, and one of them must die.

In a universe where every moment, every second, every fate has already been decided, where does love fit in?

This first sentence alone hooked me! I like the destiny aspect to the story and the fantasy genre it suggests. It's been a while since I've read a book in this genre, so I'm thinking I might just pick this one up. Looking forward to meeting Corinthe to travel with her as she makes some tough choices. Sign me up for Lanie Bross's debut novel Fates!

Sooo, what book are you waiting on?


  1. I think you're spot on about the first sentence. I was so ready to dismiss Fates, but it got me. I think it's such an interesting premise. Adding it to my tbr :)

    Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books
    My WoW

  2. I think I saw this on NetGalley. :)

    Glass @ Way Too Hot Books

  3. Wow, this sounds so good! I can't believe I haven't heard of it before. Adding it to my TBR now. Great pick :D

    My WoW

  4. I've been seeing this one around, it does look good. =)

  5. I think I saw this one on Netgalley but couldn't bring myself to request it. I hope you enjoy it!

    My WOW

  6. I've been seeing this book around, it looks great!
    Great pick!

    New Bloglovin follower

    My WoW post!

  7. I featured Fates a few weeks back, can't wait to read it, and I seriously hope it pulls it off because it sounds amazing. :)

    Heres mine

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

  8. I love the cover! It looks so magical :) Definitely going to be checking this one out.

    My WOW:
