
Monday, October 14, 2013

Review: Fracture by C.J. Daugherty

Fracture by C.J. Daugherty
Publisher- Atom
Released- Aug 15th 2013
Purchase- Amazon / TBD/ Fish Pond

Devastated by the loss of her friend and under constant threat from an unknown spy at Cimmeria Academy, Allie Sheridan is finding it hard to cope.In Fracture, the third book in the Night School series, she’s not the only one losing it – everything is falling apart. And when Nathaniel begins to reveal his game plan, Isabelle starts to lose control.As the school slides into a deadly morass of paranoia and suspicion, everyone is guilty until proved innocent. Anyone can be held without proof, and convicted without a trial. No one is safe.This time Nathaniel doesn’t need to hurt them. This time they’re hurting themselves.

My Thoughts: 
Such a brilliant world! Seriously. C.J. Daugherty's Night School series is one of my favorites books to escape with.  I always look forward to the next installment, craving that heart pounding excitement, alluring mystery and charming romance that I've come to expect from these books. I simply adore Daugherty's writing. She is a true master at pacing her stories in a way that plays with your mind and pulls at your heart. The flow and tone is also pitch perfect, but what I love most about these books is that it's still crazy addicting. I love how unpredictable everything feels, I never know what to expect and I'm continuously guessing from start to finish. I'm happy to say that Fracture is just as riveting and strong as the previous books and once again, an instant favorite!

Tormented after the lost of her best friend, Jo, Allie is beside herself. She feels like everyone at Cimmeria Academy has let her down and she doesn't know who she can trust. Wanting to take action into her own hands, Allie escapes the school and tries to find the answers no one else seems to be going after. But her attempt to escape to London failed and Allie is sent back to the Academy. Fueled only by the desperate need to avenge Jo's death, Allie is filled with a new found hope. Revenge. She will train. She will fight and together with her friends, she will find a way to avenge Jo, stop Nathaniel and find the spy lurking in the walls of Cimmeria Academy.

I always thought that the third book in a series is the most difficult to write. There is a lot of information and truths that need revealing but you don't want to say to much or give away the entire story. Where's the fun in that? After all, there are two more books planned for this series. So, with that said, Fracture is a great in-between novel, but this was more like a filler then anything else. 
With the help of their Night School training, Allie and her friends form a secret group and try to plot out who the spy could be. We are treated to seeing these characters fight back in the only way they know how. United. We also  finally find out what Night School is truly about and while there were scattered clues among the other books, it was still something else to finally get the grand picture after all this time. I loved how Daugherty waited for the perfect moment to let us in on the big secret, it was a great way for Allie to accept and appreciate where her destiny truly lies as well as capturing that curiosity in readers to keep us guessing and invested. Which totally worked. We learn more about Lucinda's role and how it's connected to Isabelle, Nathaniel and eventually Allie. We also get some action packed scenes that involve Nathaniel and his ultimate goal to take over the school, but at last, we still don't know who the spy is. So, while a lot happens in this installment, at the same time, nothing actually gets resolved. This might be disappointing or frustrating to some readers, but I for one love how Daugherty is setting up for future books. The biggest anchor in these novels has always been the building mystery in both story line and characterizations. When I really think about each of the characters I've grown so attached to, I wonder if I really know them at all.  Daugherty has us skeptical of everything about this world. We truly don't' know who we can trust and all we can do is sit back and hope against hope that are favorite characters don't betray us in the end. Yes, the wait can be exasperating, but it also gives us something to ponder and look forward to, which is wonderful since I'm not ready to let these books go just yet. 

Since the death of Jo, all of these characters seem to grieve and grow in different and even surprising ways.
In the begging of the story, Allie is back to her old rebellious ways. She's defiant, hurt and lashes out in mean ways and while she may seem like a brat, she's actually portrayed very realistically. She was the only one there when Jo died. She blames and hates herself and when it doesn't feel big enough, she starts to blame everyone else around her. Later in the book, Allie realizes that she's not the only person who lost a friend that night and that everyone is doing what they can to find the person responsible  for helping Jo's killer get inside the school. My heart really goes out to Allie, but I'm glad she finally snapped out of her grief-stricken stage and decided that the best way to avenge Jo was is to fight back. 
Even Carter and Sylvain decided to put their personal grudge behind them for now and work together, for both Allie and Jo. It was strange to see this unlikely alliance, but it was also really great to see Sylvain and Carter as well as Rachel, Nicole and Zoe work as a team. They have brilliant chemistry and it's exciting and entertaining to see them in action.
I'm still waving my Team Carter flag, but I have to admit, Sylvain is growing on me. For someone who I didn't think could be redeemed, Syl turned out to be the only one who is giving the confidence and warmth Allie desperately needs. Carter is acting like his older self that we met in the first book (not really sure who he was in the second) but he still has a lot of issues that he needs to work out.
Which brings me to the romance. For now, that part of the story is on hold, but I'm actually glad that Daugherty took this step for Allie. She has so many conflicting problems right now that it would feel forced for her to just pick up where she left off with Slyvain at the Winter ball and her heart still breaks when she thinks of Carter. Allie is confused and lost right now and the last thing she needs to focus on is her love life. So there isn't any romance in this book, but we still got a few heated moments that made my heart smile. 

All in all, Fracture is another thrilling installment in the Night school series. I'm enjoying the slow but steady rhythm in the plot, the writing is remarkable and these characters are beautifully complicated and compelling.  I also really liked the way this ended. It was action packed and gripping and I'm mighty curious where Daugherty will take this next. 
Another amazing read in the Night School series!

Find the author:
Goodreads / Website                                4.5 Snowflakes


  1. Hi Tina! :) Awesome review! Can you believe I haven't even heard of this series before? But it sounds so great, so exciting and intriguing :) I will definitely have to check it out, thanks for introducing me to it!

    Evie @Bookish

    1. When I found the first book, I had to get it at Fish Pond. It wasn't selling anywhere else at the time. I'm glad that's not the case now. These books are a lot of fun and so mysterious. I hope you enjoy it Evie!:)
