
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Teaser Tuesday, #24

Welcome to Teaser Tuesdays!

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
Grab your current read
Open to a random page
Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

My Teaser Tuesday is for the following...

The 5th Wave (The Fifth Wave, #1)
The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey
Expected Publication: May 7, 2013
Publisher: Putnam Juvenile

  My Teasers...
"The first rule: Trust no one. Which leads to the second rule: The only way to stay alive as long as possible is to stay alone as long as possible. Now I've broken both."
"You have your promise, and I have you."

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Teaser Tuesdays post, or share your ‘teasers’ in a comment here if you don’t have a blog Thanks!


  1. This book is making waves across the web. (haha pun intended) Awesome Teaser :)

    Teaser Tuesday

    1. LOL! I like your pun :) Thanks for dropping by! It's a great story. We have a giveaway posted for it on the blog as well.

  2. Interesting teaser. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks, Andrea! This is an amazing book. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Very nice pick for teaser lines, I like them. I hope you're enjoying your read. =) My TT

    1. Thanks, Caro! I absolutely loved this book. Since I'm a fan of this genre, I tend to get geeked out over them. The 5th Wave was more than I could have asked for. It was unique and stole my attention immediately. Thanks for dropping by!

  4. Nice teaser. I have been seeing this book a lot around the blogs. Come see my teasers for Sharp by Alex Hughes and The Madman's Daughter by Megan Shepherd. Happy reading!

    1. Thanks, Kathy! I can understand why it would be all over the blogs. It truly an awesome read. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Been seeing a lot of this book but haven't decide if I'm going to read it or not. That teaser line is fantastic though.

    1. Thanks, Janeal. If you do decide to read this, I think you will find that it is unique and the author does a fantastic job at expressing what the characters are going through. Their stories were fascinating and it was a gripping read. Thanks for dropping by!

  6. I've heard really good things about this book. Thats a really good teaser

    1. wrong link haha
      this is my TT

    2. Thanks for dropping by, Jess. This book truly was awesome and I can't wait for the second installment. It can't come soon enough LOL

  7. Nice teaser! It makes me want to know how that person broke that rule! =D

    ~Stephanie @ Bookfever

    1. OH, Stephanie!! I would sooo tell you, but I don't want to ruin it for you. It's one that sits with you after you've finished. I loved it! Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Great teaser -- I hadn't heard of this one, I will have to check it out! Here's my TT post.

  9. Oh wow! That's got to be tough living by those rules. Thank you!

    I also have a teaser up if you'd like to stop by...

    1. It would be tough in our minds, but what these characters are experiencing makes it understandable. Thanks for stopping by!

    2. Wow. I'm really curious about this one now Amber. Thank you!

  10. Interesting teaser, I've seen this book on many blogs the past few weeks. I'm curious about it, but I'm scared to read it when it releases (it hasn't released yet, right?) because of all the hype. Yes there have been some really good books that are really popular, like Cinder, but there have also been some really boring or just not my type ones, like Everneath. So, I'm going to wait for a few weeks before I decide if I want to read this book.

    The Chicagoland Vampires: Book 2 Friday Night Bites

    1. Hi Nazish! After you read this (and I hope you do) you will understand why it is. It's a fantastic, gripping story with real emotion behind their actions. It's one I won't forget about for a long time. Not all books are for everyone, but perhaps give it a chance. I absolutely admire a writer that can pull the reader in and allow you to be vulnerable to the story. Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Ummm...I really like that teaser. Must investigate further. Thanks for sharing!
