
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Quintana of Charyn by Melina Marchetta

 Today WinterHaven Books is touring with 132 Minutes and not only are we sharing a DOUBLE REVIEW of Quintana of Charyn by Melina Marchetta, but also a DOUBLE GIVEAWAY!

Thank you 132 Minutes for allowing us to participate!

Quintana Of Charyn by Melina Marchetta
Publication Date: September 26, 2012
Publisher: Viking Australia

There's a babe in my belly that whispers the valley, Froi. I follow the whispers and come to the road . . .

Separated from the girl he loves and has sworn to protect, Froi must travel through Charyn to search for Quintana, the mother of Charyn's unborn king, and protect her against those who will do anything to gain power. But what happens when loyalty to family and country conflict? When the forces marshalled in Charyn's war gather and threaten to involve the whole of the land, including Lumatere, only Froi can set things right, with the help of those he loves.

Arlene's Thoughts
As Froi would say... My side of despair is that our Lumatere journey is over. My side of wonder is that this amazing experience Marchetta delivered will forever remain in my heart. Quintana of Charyn was more magnificent than I could ever express in words. Melina Marchetta once again delivered an epic tale of friendship, loyalty and love. Those elements combined with her magical storytelling provided an emotional and heartfelt journey not to be missed by fans of this gifted author!

In this final installment of The Lumatere Chronicles, we journey through the land of Skuldenore as Froi searches for Quintana to fulfill his promise of bringing her and their unborn Little King to safety and away from those that hunger for power at any cost. Throughout this novel, Froi battles between his loyalty for Lumatere and his love for Quintana. This is a story of community, conflict and commitment to those you serve and those you love. It's about putting the needs of others before your own. To walk away from this series without some sense of attachment to this cast of characters is to miss the gift of magic this story has to offer.

When I began this series with Finnikin of the Rock, I developed an attachment to the two main characters Finn and Isaboe. They won my heart in the first installment, but as the story progressed I found my loyalty shifting to Froi and Quintana. In Froi of Exiles and Quintana of Charyn, these two characters stole the show with their fierce sense of allegiance toward each other and their sincere moments of vulnerability. I truly fell for these two for so many reasons... where to start? There was something about Quintana's character that I admired and to see this girl struggle to survive at any cost was nothing short of inspirational. There's a part in the novel where Quintana says, "Me. I determine my own worth. If I had to rely on others I'd have lain down and died waiting." That is just a small example of her strength and determination to get herself through the difficult times she faced. Quintana was like the flawed gem that ultimately shined brighter than any other character in this story.

However, as with any cast there are always one or two supporting characters that must also be acknowledged and to dismiss Phaedra and Lucian would feel criminal. If there's a character quality that holds its weight in gold for me, that would be loyalty. Bar none, when I read about characters that are willing to sacrifice their happiness or at times their life for another, and do so with the most noble of intentions I'm hooked. Their story somehow pushed its way to the forefront and captured my attention pretty hard, and if Marchetta decides to revisit any of the Lumatere cast, I hope it's these two.

As with most of Marchetta’s novels, her stories are significantly character driven. You get to meet several communities in this series and have the opportunity to spend considerable time with them. At the end of the novel, as a reader you not only gain a sense of accomplishment in having completed the journey, but also a feeling of having earned a place in these people’s lives. Becoming vested in the story is what Marchetta delivers every time with her novels and Quintana is no exception.

Quintana of Charyn was poignant and heartrending to such a significant degree! There were so many moments that pulled at my heartstrings. However, I feel the need to call out one in particular. There's a moment in the novel where Phaedra is returning to her village and she's given a letter from her Queen Quintana, as she was reading that letter, as a complicit bystander in that moment I was fighting hard to keep back the tears. It was EMOTIONAL to the 10th degree!! So when you come across that scene, embrace it and read it slowly. If your experience is anything like mine, you’ll feel a myriad of emotions cascade through you in the most rewarding of ways.

Well, as I said at the start, I’m truly sad this journey has ended, but I’m so grateful for having experienced it to begin with. One of my favorite stories that will hold a spot at the top of my shelf for quite some time. Loved it!!

5 Snowflakes

Amber's Thoughts
Where do I even begin? Quintana of Charyn was the perfect ending to a perfect trilogy of epic proportions. Even though I am devastated for this journey to end, I feel utterly satisfied and left with a smile. The world Ms. Marchetta has created is one for the record books and one that should be snuggled up next to your all-time favorites. Her creative imagination and storytelling is insurmountable. I have so much admiration for her beautiful writing, creative pros and captivating characters.

“We don’t know what we’re fighting for anymore,” Fekra said quietly to Froi. “Do you?” “Oh, I’ve always known what I’m fighting for,” Froi replied. “Quintana of Charyn and her child. Nothing else matters, Fekra.”

 “You want to make a good king?” Gargarin asked. “One of sound mind? One who knows he was loved so he can love his people in return? One who understands justice and the sacrifice of those who came before him? Then treat his mother as a queen.”

  “And if he is all wrong, what will you do?” Froi asked. She thought a moment. “I’ll hold him tight and tell him that we’ll be wrong for this world together.”

 I don’t know how Ms. Marchetta does it, but these pages are filled with magic and a story deeper within itself. In this installment, I really loved that Froi has found a sense of what family and love is. He’s found an undeniable bond that develops over time, but was so very touching. There are many difficulties and obstacles thrown into the paths of the people on the Land of Skulendore. Your heart will be torn and then patched back together and then repeated over and over. But it was so worth it. There is just so much to say about this trilogy, the writing, the plots and twist, but what I really want to relay is that I couldn’t possibly write a typical review of this book and give it the justice it deserves nor do I want to dive into the intricacies of the story because I want you, the readers, to experience this masterpiece for yourself and develop your own relationship with it.

I will miss reading about these characters and the lands they roam. I just have one wish, and that is that Ms. Marchetta considers writing a story of the new young King. Not now, but maybe down the road.

5 Snowflakes

Giveaway #1 Courtesy of WinterHaven Books
Quintana of Charyn by Melina Marchetta - International Giveaway

Giveaway #2 Courtesy of 132 Minutes
WinterHaven would love it if you could please show some bloggie love to our tour organizers 132 Minutes by visiting their blog and thanking them for this incredible series giveaway. :) Thank you Alexa and Joy for putting this event together and hosting such a great giveaway!!!
Entrants must be 13 years old to enter.
Hosts will not be responsible for lost or damage of goods while in shipment.
Winner will be notified via email and will have 24 hours to reply or another will be drawn.


  1. Pick me! Pick me! I haven't read any Melina Marchetta books yet *hangs head in shame* but she has been on my to-read list for a while now.

    1. Oh you're in for a treat ahz1!! Good luck with the giveaway. :)

  2. Thanks for this awesome double giveaway!! I'm in the same boat that azh1 here, I haven't read any of her books yet but I have some of them on my wishlist & I heard great things about this series ^^

    1. Carol, this is one awesome author you don't want to miss out on. Good luck with the giveaway. I hope you get to read her books soon. :D

  3. Wow, wonderful reviews, ladies! Perfectly said. :) Melina Marchetta has created an epic and stand-out series. I wanted the story to keep going and going, but of course...all stories must end somewhere. :( I'm going to miss the characters so much!

    1. Thanks Alexa! And thanks so much for allowing us to tour with you. I'm going to miss them too. I actually want more of Lucian and Phaedra most of all. I think I'll miss them the most. What a wonderful series!!

  4. I'm so glad that you loved this Arlene! I still have to pick up this series yet! :( My favourite Marchetta book has to be Jellicoe Road! Thanks for the giveaway ladies! :)

    1. Jasprit, I hope you get to read this series soon! Jellicoe Road was amazing!! Great choice!

  5. I've read Finniken of the Rock. Really loved it!! I need to read the sequel and Jellicoe as well.

    1. Oh Vivien I hope you get to read them soon. Such beautiful stories!! Thanks for posting and good luck with the giveaway!

  6. No, I have never read a book by Melina Marchetta. But now I`m totally interested in the books! :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. I haven't read any of Melina Marchetta's books, unfortunately.:(
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. You're in for an amazing journey when you do Sabryy! You're welcome and good luck!

  8. Thanks for the great post and giveaway! I haven't read this author yet and the book sounds awesome!

    1. You're welcome! Yes, her books are truly awesome! Good luck!

  9. I love Melina Marchetta! I've read Jellicoe Road, Saving Francesca, and The Piper's Son, and they are all some of my all-time favorite books ever! I really need to start reading her fantasy series. Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Oh Lacey, I love those books!! So glad you've had a chance to read her contemporary works. Her fantasy is just as amazing. I hope you enjoy this series when you decide to read it. :)

  10. I havent read her books yet but theres a lot of great reviews about Quintana of Charyn.

    1. The books are absolutely incredible Sue! I hope you give them a try. XD

  11. I've read a few of Melina's books. She's an amazing writer. My favorite has been Saving Francesca. I bawled my eyes out and think of the story and be characters all the time.

    1. I think Saving Francesca was my first read of Marchetta's. I loved it to pieces!! Thanks for posting Erin!! Good luck with the giveaway!

  12. I have not yet read the series, but what better way to get started than to win one and have the excuse to convince the budget gods we need to buy the rest LOL Thank you for sharing with us today.

    1. LOL Denise! Sounds like a plan to me! :) You're welcome and good luck with the giveaway!

  13. I'm going to read this after I read Quintana. I'm set to read next week. Love seeing the five stars! :)

    1. I totally understand Rachel! I love going into my favorite series without any preconcieved notions of what's to come. I hope you enjoy them!!

  14. Thank you for this awesome giveaway! I loved Melina's Jellicoe Road! She's an amazing writer! :)

    1. I agree Jesselle. AMAZING indeed. XD You're welcome and good luck!

  15. Ive wanted to read these books since I first heard of them!! I havent read anything by her yet so thanks for the chance :)

    1. Oh Natalie you're in for a treat! She is one of my favorite authors. I hope you get to read a book of hers soon. Good luck with the giveaway! XD

  16. I have yet to read any books by this author.
    Like the Wintery looking blog!

    1. Jeanz, Marchetta is a fabulous author! I hope you try one of her books soon. Thank you so much! Come visit us whenever you're in the mood for snowflakes and book fun! XD

  17. Wow awesome giveaways!! I've read and loved Saving Francesca. Melina Marchetta is a wonderful author!
    Thank you for the giveaways :)

    1. I loved Saving Francesca a ton too! You're welcome. XD

  18. I've read the first 2 books in the Lumatere Chronicles and I absolutely loved them. The only contemporary by Melina that I've read is Jellicoe Road and it was amazing too.

    1. Jellicoe Road was amazing. So glad you got to read it Lynne. :)

  19. Yes I've read Jellicoe Road and Saving Francesca :)

  20. I love Melina Marchetta & have read all her books except for The Gorgon in the Gully (can't find in the US) & Quintana of Charyn (not available yet here). Crossing my fingers & hoping to win =) Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. You can get Gorgon from Fishpond. Have you heard of them Rocksann? Here's the link.

      You're welcome. XD

  21. I haven't read any of her books yet but I will def be checking them out!!!

    1. mckaykelly, she's an amazing author. I hope you get to read one of her books soon. :)

  22. ooh thanks for the giveaway! I've read her contemporaries sans Looking For Alibrandi and I'm so excited to read this trilogy. :)

    1. You're welcome elena! This is a great trilogy. I hope you get to read it soon. :)

  23. I absolutely love this series! Actually, I love all of Melina's books. She's just so. freaking. awesome. I can't wait to read Quintana!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    1. So glad to hear you enjoy her books too. I agree, she's fantastic! Good luck with the giveaway! XD

  24. Haven't read any of the books but I'd love to!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. I hope you get to read one of her books soon Coffee Monster! They're really good! XD You're welcome.:)

  25. I've read On the Jellicoe Road, The Piper's Son and Saving Francesca so far, loooved them all. Really looking forward to read Lumatere Chronicles as soon as possible. Thanks for a giveaway! :)

    1. Those were beautiful books Sanda! So glad to hear you loved them too. You're welcome and good luck!

  26. Nope I haven't! Would love to though.

  27. I've read most of them. Marchetta is one of my favorite writer in the world.

  28. Jellicoe Road and it was really good.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  29. I have not yet read Melina Marchetta!

  30. No, I have not read any yet my Melina, but her books sound good. Would love to read them!!

  31. Please Enter Me In Your Book Giveaways.
    It Would Be Great To Win A Copy Of Quintana of Charyn By Melina Marchetta
    Or The Lumatere Chronicles Trilogy.
    In Response To Your Question Of Have you read a book by Melina Marchetta?
    If so, which one?
    I Have Never Heard Of This Author Until I Found Your Giveaway
    So My Answer Is No I Haven't Read Her Books.
    I Enjoy Reading And Discovering New Authors And That's Why I Am Entering.
    Thank You For Having These Great Giveaways!!!!!!!!

  32. I have not read one of her books

  33. I have not read a book by Melina Marchetta

  34. I have not read any of Melina Marchetta's books

  35. I am not really a reader but my wife would love it.


  36. I have not read a book by her yet

    fb/ shirley greenawalt zolenski

  37. I haven't read any of Melina Marchetta's books yet :(
    this is why I joined the giveaway I want to give it a try! ;) please give me more reason to try Melina Marchetta's book! Let me win! ^^
