
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Author Event: Lauren Oliver of Delirium & Liesl and Po

Lauren Oliver visits Southern California to promote The Spindlers and
Liesl & Po on October 10, 2012.
My Author Experience:
I had the opportunity to meet Lauren Oliver while she toured Southern California for her recent release of her book “The Spindlers.” Most of you might recognize her as the author of the dystopia trilogy “Delirium” whose final installment, “Requiem,” is set to be released in March 2013.

First and foremost, I have to point out what a pleasure it was to sit in the audience as Ms. Oliver shared her passion for reading and writing, as well as some tips to aspiring writers in the audience. I truly had a smile (probably a goofy one) on my face the entire time. She is so eloquent, funny and extremely easy going! When I meet such an engaging author, reading their books becomes all the more pleasurable. So I’m excited to pick up my first Oliver book, which I’ve decided will be Liesl and Po to learn more about her style of storytelling.

But more about the discussion... Lauren Oliver started off by sharing what a passion she’s had for both reading and writing since a young age. She started at the early age of seven and has pretty much been doing both her entire life. It was cute to hear that when she was younger, she’d read a book and because she was curious about the story past the last page she’d write her own versions of “what happens next” to keep it alive. So that’s how she got into this business – pretty much writing children’s fanfic in a way. LOL Her biggest inspiration is her dad, who also happens to be a writer. He was the one that instilled the importance of daily writing. So even to this day, she averages about 1000 words a day while on tour or leisure – it’s just part of her routine.

Lauren shared thoughts on how as an author it’s easy to waver between “radical confidence” or “obliviousness” about one’s own work. So, she emphasized the importance of an editor or second set of eyes to offer different perspectives or lenses that a writer sometimes becomes “blinded to” because it’s natural to be vested in your own material.

Oliver feels comfortable crossing between different genres, as evidence in her published works that run the full gamut of YA realistic fiction, dystopia to middle grade fantasy. To her, the most important thing is bringing a character to life, where the reader can easily “lift them from the pages.” She also admits to having had to hone her abilities in plot development and shared some of her techniques for accomplishing that task.

As an avid reader, I loved to learn that she reads about 2 – 3 books a week! What bliss! She finds it gets her creative juices flowing, but don’t be surprised if she’s at the gym on the treadmill when inspiration strikes… which is exactly what happened with Delirium. J

It was exciting to hear that Oliver has a “super secret” middle grade book in the works, but she can’t share too much about that quite yet, except for the fact that she’s really excited about it. :D What she was able to share with us was that she’ll soon be releasing another YA contemporary standalone called “Panic” that is not written in the first person, but takes on alternating points of view (POV). This is new for her, so she’s excited about that book. So be sure to look out for “Panic.”

When asked about some of the books she enjoys in the YA genre, she mentioned authors such as Libba Bray, David Levithan and John Green to name just a few. She enjoys Steampunk novels and mysteries and is currently reading J.K. Rowling’s “The Casual Vacancy.”

So that was my visit with Lauren Oliver, and I can’t stress enough what a truly sweet and funny author she is! I’m so glad I took the trip to meet her.

Now for the fun stuff! I was able to grab a few books which she graciously signed, and I’d like to offer them to one lucky follower. All you have to do is fill out the rafflecopter and share a thoughtful comment on my visit with Lauren Oliver or anything you’d like to share about this author and why you’re excited to win the books. Take a look at what the winner will receive! Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congratulations on meeting Lauren, she is such a fantastic author and in interviews seems so down to earth :)
    Hope you enjoy Liesl and Po!

    1. Thank you! It was great to meet you. I agree completely. :) I'm looking forward to it. Thanks! XD

  2. It sounds like a fun meet! Steampunk mysteries sounds interesting and it's great you got to hear what she likes in YA.

    1. Thank you Na! I really enjoyed meeting her. Thank you for stopping by and good luck with the giveaway! XD

  3. Sounds like you had a lot of fun! Thanks for the great post and giveaway!

    1. Yes, it was really fun erin. You're welcome and good luck! XD

  4. Lauren Oliver is one of my all time favorite writers. I got to meet her last Spring. I've read all her books except Splindlers, which I haven't gotten yet. I just love her writing. It makes me giddy! Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. OH that's great to hear Brooke! Spindlers sounded like fun! I wish I would have grabbed a copy of that one too. Next time maybe. :)

  5. Sounds like you had so much fun! I'd love to see Lauren Oliver, but authors never seem to come down my way :P Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

    1. I did! You're welcome alicia marie and good luck! XD

  6. I loved the interview! I think its neat to know that she loves books as much as we do and reads 2-3 books a week! Also, i am so excited to her that she will be coming out with another YA book! I am a huge fan, so this is awesome new! thanks!

    1. Thank you Aimee! Totally agree! It was great to hear she's an avid reader. You're welcome and good luck. :)

  7. It's great to see an author who's a huge reader like us! I actually have read The Spindlers and it blew me away entirely! I'm hoping to read more of her books since that was the first book of hers that I have red.

    Fingers crossed for this giveaway and thank you so much for the opportunity to win! <3

    1. It really is great to hear. I agree.

      Good luck Lili! :)

  8. I've yet to read any of her books, but they sound great. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

    1. Me too Jillyn. I'm eager to give her books a try as well. You're welcome and good luck. :)

  9. I love the idea that she started off by writing what was basically children's fanfiction! Offers some hope to other people who do the same thing :)

    1. Right?! I thought that was cute that she'd keep her favorite stories going by writing her own continuations as a child. :)

  10. I haven't read this series, but it's high on my WANT list. I read an excerpt and fell in love, but I haven't been able to get my hands on a copy yet. Beautiful writing. I so hope I win.

    1. Her writing does sound beautiful. I completely agree. Good luck with the giveaway! XD

  11. I love how she sounds so down to earth. I love authors that are down to earth and I also like how she gives her own advice to help other people out.

    It makes me want to read her books even more.

    Thank you for the great review and giveaway!

    1. She was so down to earth and fun to listen too Tammy. I really enjoyed her signing. You're welcome and good luck!

  12. I was really surprised at how much I enjoy Lauren's writing style. It's definitely one of my favorites now :)

  13. I am so jealous!! Lauren Oliver is one of the authors still on my dying to meet list! Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. I hope you get to meet her soon Ashley! You're welcome! XD

  14. Mad respect to her for having the discipline to write everyday no matter what! :)

    1. I agree Megan! Writing everyday is definitely awe-inspiring. :)

  15. I fell in love with Lauren's writing when I read Delirium (and yeah, I cried at the end!) - now I've got my daughter loving her books as well! <3
    Mary DeBorde (M.A.D.)

    1. That's great to hear MAD! I'm looking forward to enjoying that series. :) Thanks for postng. XD

  16. I loved Liesl and Po and the Spindlers but haven't had a chance to read Delirium or Pandemonium.

    1. That's great Yvonne! I"m really looking forward to Liesl & Po!

  17. This sounds like it was so much fun! I would love to be able to go to author events like this, but they never come close enough to where I live. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  18. Great interview! Lauren Oliver is amazing. I have Spindlers on my must-have list :) and I'm SO excited to hear she has another middle grade coming out soon, yay! Can't wait!! Thank you for offering this wonderfully fantastic giveaway! :)


    1. Thank you Lynne!

      You're welcome and good luck with the giveaway. :)

  19. Sounds like an interesting day. I love the Delirium series and can't wait for Requiem! Thanks for offering these books as a giveaway!

    1. I still need to read Delirium, so I'm glad to hear they're great. You're welcome and good luck!

  20. A steampunk mystery sounds like an amazing concept for a book. You should definitely do it!

    1. I just might Jenn! LOL Thanks for stopping by. :)

  21. I Wish I could meet Lauren Oliver.. I hear she is just precious.. Can't wait to start this series, one way or another..

    1. She really is Mindy. Lauren is really down to earth! I hope you get to read her books soon. Good luck with the giveaway!

  22. I met Lauren Oliver earlier this year at Vroman's. She was really interesting to listen to. It's nice to hear she likes to read as much as we do. I haven't read her books (I bought them & had them signed) yet because I hear they leave off on cliffhangers, so I'm waiting until the last one is out and then I'll read them. Looks like you had a great time Arlene! :)

    1. I might do the same Rachel. LOL I really did. Thanks! XD

  23. Congrats on meeting the author! I have yet to read her books but I have heard lots of good about it. Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    1. Thanks! It was great meeting her. You're welcome!

  24. That's so cool you got to meet Lauren Oliver! She is one of my favorite authors and the Delirium series is amazing. Thank you so much for this giveaway!

  25. What a great interview! You're so lucky you met Lauren Oliver. She's a fantastic writer. Thank you for the giveaway!

    1. Thanks! It was great meeting her. You're welcome!

  26. ive always wanted to go to one of my favorite authors book signings. looks like so much fun!


  27. Firstly I'm so envious that people will get to meet Lauren Oliver :( I so wish you could come to Sydney, Australia soon! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway xoxo

    1. LOL Angelica! I'm envious of the Aussie writers yu have! :) you're welcome!

  28. So cool, I've never been to an author event. I haven't read any of Lauren Oliver's dystopian novels but I absolutely love Before I Fall. I know a lot of people like Delirium, so not only does she feel comfortable switching genres, she's pretty damn good at it. I'm so excited that she's coming out with another contemporary novel.

    1. I haven't read Before I Fall yet, but I heard great things about it.

  29. Will the winners be posted on this page?

    1. Yes, they will be announced tonight and emailed =)
