Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Reivew: Eve and Adam by Kathleen Aplegate & Michael Grant

Eve and AdamEve and Adam by Katherine Applegate & Michael Grant
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Published on: October 22, 2012
Purchase: Amazon / Barnes and Noble
And girl created boy…

In the beginning, there was an apple—

And then there was a car crash, a horrible injury, and a hospital. But before Evening Spiker’s head clears a strange boy named Solo is rushing her to her mother’s research facility. There, under the best care available, Eve is left alone to heal.

Just when Eve thinks she will die—not from her injuries, but from boredom—her mother gives her a special project: Create the perfect boy.

Using an amazingly detailed simulation, Eve starts building a boy from the ground up. Eve is creating Adam. And he will be just perfect... won’t he

My thoughts:
I have had this book on my shelf for awhile and I well I have mixed emotions about it.  Some things were good and some were bad and well some weren't really necessary.

The story is about basically playing God.  If you had the opportunity would you create the perfect person?  Evening, having just been in a horrible accident has to stay at her mothers company.  With nothing else to do to keep her busy while she heals her mom gives her the task of creating a perfect person with the help of software.  What Evening doesn't know is that this software might be more real than she knows.

So this part I liked.  I liked the whole Sci-Fi part of the story.  It sounded like maybe it could happen in the future and I believed all the craziness.  Yes there were some parts that I did eye roll at, but for the most part I was invested in the story and I wanted to know what Evening and Solo (the resident hottie who just happens to want to bring down the whole corporation) would do with certain knowledge.  I do wish that this would have been a bigger part of the story.  It is the main plot, but it takes a back seat to the friendship between Evening and her BFF.

Evenings friendship should not have been such a big deal in my opinion.  All the added drama wasn't needed and it didn't add anything to the story.  Evening and Solo risk their lives to help Aislin and her druggie boyfriend only to have to keep helping him.  If Aislin and her boyfriend were taken completely out of the story nothing would have changed.  It felt like filler and when the book is already under 300 pages you can't have filler.  I wanted to know more about project Adam and Solos parents and well just everythng except for Aislin and Madoox.

I'm going with 3 snowflakes for this one because I did enjoy the main story and for once *raises fists in the air* I read a standalone!  I haven't read one of these in forever it seems so it was nice putting the story down and knowing that it was done.  The ending was a bit rushed but with so much filler I guess it had to be.

3 Snowflakes

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday, #51

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases we can't wait to get our hands on.
Here's my selection for this week...

Fates (Fates #1) by Lanie Bross
Expected Publication: February 11, 2014
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers

What if your destiny was to kill the one you love?

One moment. One foolish desire. One mistake. And Corinthe lost everything.

She fell from her tranquil life in Pyralis Terra and found herself exiled to the human world. Her punishment? To make sure people’s fates unfold according to plan. Now, years later, Corinthe has one last assignment: kill Lucas Kaller. His death will be her ticket home.

But for the first time, Corinthe feels a tingle of doubt. It begins as a lump in her throat, then grows toward her heart, and suddenly she feels like she’s falling all over again—this time for a boy she knows she can never have. Because it is written: one of them must live, and one of them must die.

In a universe where every moment, every second, every fate has already been decided, where does love fit in?

This first sentence alone hooked me! I like the destiny aspect to the story and the fantasy genre it suggests. It's been a while since I've read a book in this genre, so I'm thinking I might just pick this one up. Looking forward to meeting Corinthe to travel with her as she makes some tough choices. Sign me up for Lanie Bross's debut novel Fates!

Sooo, what book are you waiting on?

Teaser Tuesday, #48 : Alienated by Melissa Landers

Welcome to Teaser Tuesdays! Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following: Grab your current read Open to a random page Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

My Teaser Tuesday is for the following...

Alienated (Alienated, #1)

Alienated by Melissa Landers
Publisher: Hyperion
Expected Publication Date: February 4, 2014

*Quotes extracted from an ARC. These are subject to change in final copy.

Teasers from ebook pages: 11

"She's already sent me several messages asking about your personal preferences."

"I want to warn you that humans have unusual standards for sentimental expression."

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Teaser Tuesdays post, or share your ‘teasers’ in a comment here if you don’t have a blog Thanks!

Review: Perfect Ruin by Lauren Destefano

Perfect Ruin by Lauren Destefano
Publisher- Simon & Schuster books for YA
Released- Oct 1st 2013
Purchase- Amazon / B & N 

On Internment, the floating island in the clouds where 16-year-old Morgan Stockhour lives, getting too close to the edge can lead to madness. Even though Morgan's older brother, Lex, was a Jumper, Morgan vows never to end up like him. She tries her best not to mind that her life is orderly and boring, and if she ever wonders about the ground, and why it is forbidden, she takes solace in best friend Pen and her betrothed, Basil.Then a murder, the first in a generation, rocks the city. With whispers swirling and fear on the wind, Morgan can no longer stop herself from investigating, especially when she meets Judas. He is the boy being blamed for the murder — betrothed to the victim — but Morgan is convinced of his innocence. Secrets lay at the heart of Internment, but nothing can prepare Morgan for what she will find — or who she will lose.

My Thoughts:
I've read Lauren's debut novel, Wither, and while the idea behind that particular story-line didn't blend well with what I look for in an escape, I still enjoyed Lauren's strong and passionate writing skills and was anxious to read a new book by her. I'm happy to say that the Perfect Ruin was the perfect book to reintroduce myself with Lauren's work. I found it refreshingly unique, intriguing, suspenseful and even romantic. Simply put, I loved it.

High above the clouds is an oval floating city called, Internment. There, everyone is getting ready for the festival of stars, a long month tradition that's been followed for hundred of years. But there isn't much to celebrate when a young girl named Daphne was found murdered and left on the train tracks. Internment is in utter chaos as new rebellious acts follow the murder and the person suspected to be responsible has been caught. Sixteen year old Morgan has never seen her world like this. It's frightening, but it makes her curious and soon she starts to voice questions that she's only just admitted to herself. Things about the edge, the ground and the what if's of Internment and the only sky she's ever known and if it's the only possible answer after all. Not everything is what it seems and Morgan is caught in between her safe and perfect world up in the sky and the unknown ground below.

You know, I was really surprise and impressed with this book, I never thought I'd enjoy it the way I did. When I picked up this book, my intention was to only read the first chapter, but the story was so compelling and different I just couldn't stop reading, and before I knew it I was done. I can see now why Lauren is such a loved writer. I may not have enjoyed her debut novel the way I wanted to, but Perfect Ruin just sings right off the pages. I adored the way Destefano set this world high above the clouds. It's a crisp world, good natured,  educated and well mannered. The people of Internment have their traditions and rules and leaders and decision makers about marriage and children and life and death. It's the way they've always lived. It may be limited, but it's happy, simple and at peace. Lauren captures this world beautifully and it was fun and absorbing to see how things would play out next.

However, the looming deaths and impending doom seemed to repeat often, reminding the readers what these characters are facing. It gave it that edgy, anxious and desperate tone but it also felt a tad dragged out, not enough to be boring, but just enough that it tested my patience, wanting to get on with the story.

I really loved all of these amazingly put together and well developed cast of characters. Each has a personality that was simple perfect for this particular world and each brought in that certain spark to make me feel instantly connected and entertained.

Morgan is a dreamer. Her head is always down on the ground instead of being up in the sky like everyone else. But she simple can't help it. She dreams what it would be like to look over the edge of the floating city and see the scattered patterns on the ground and what else there is to discover. She doesn't necessary want to be a jumper but just knowing the unknown is apart of who she is. She dares to question her existence and challenges the way they live, which is what makes her unique but puts her in danger.
Pen is the best friend that everyone needs in their life. She's a sassy, true and loyal friend that has a firecracker attitude. She may seem a little snobbish at times, but I think that's just her way and she doesn't really mean any harm. Specially the way she treats Thomas, who is just as sweet and loving as they come.
Basil is my favorite character. He's the ever present and constant light in Morgan's life. I adore the way he protects her and stands by her, loving her no matter what she does or how she thinks.
I also really enjoyed Lex and Alice. Lex is complicated and a bit mad, and I wish we got to learn a little more of his back story on why he jumped over the edge and how he went blind, but still, he was a fantastic addition and so was Alice who has the patience of a saint.
My favorite part of the story is the fact that the romance between Morgan and Basil  is sweet, tender and constant. It was refreshing to see that it wasn't threatened when a new mysterious character was introduced. In most books I read, the girl always seems so uncertain of who she's with and then there ends up being some kind of love triangle. I'm thrilled that it wasn't the case here, since I'm rather fond of Basil and Morgan together. They gave the story that hope it needed in times of madness and they made me smile. A lot.
I also really liked the ending. It has my mind spinning of the possibilities of what's to come and anticipating the second book that much sooner.

All in all, I really enjoyed myself with this book. The writing is brilliant, the story line riveting and the characters remarkable. Destefano has a new fan and I can't wait to see where she takes these characters next! An outstanding read!

Find the author:

Goodreads / Website                              4 Snowflakes

Monday, October 28, 2013

The Liar Society Pre-Order Campaign!

Today on WinterHaven Books we have an awesome Pre-Order Campaign to share with our readers from Sourebooks!  
Take a look!

A Gift for You, for Pre-Ordering Third Lie’s the Charm by YA rock stars Lisa and Laura Roecker 
For US and Canadian Liar Society Lovers! 
We have a special offer going on for the release of Third Lie’s the Charm by YA rock stars Lisa and Laura Roecker—in stores in a little over one month! If you pre-order the book:
  • ALL pre-orders will receive an original bookmark signed by the Roeckers themselves
  • FIVE lucky winners will win the first TWO books in the series! This is a great way to discover this series—one that Publishers Weekly and Booklist have called “chilling, suspenseful and smart” and “smartly plotted, full of twists, clues and sleuthing.”
  • ONE lucky winner will receive the GRAND PRIZE: an EXCLUSIVE, TOP SECRET afterword of the Liar Society series for YOU to post and share.
You have until December 2 or until quantities run out. Here’s how to get your bookmark and a chance to win the first two books in the Liar Society series, or the exclusive afterword:
1. Pre-order the book (print or eBook) through any retailer (Barnes & Noble, Amazon, your local independent bookseller/Indiebound, Books-A-Million, Hastings, etc.)

2. Email your proof of purchase (receipt or picture of the receipt) to Don’t forget to include your home address (US & Canada only please) so we can send you the bookmark (and possibility the books!) If you’ve already pre-ordered this book—not a problem! Send us your receipt!

3. You will get an email back confirming when the items have been sent out. 

4. Enjoy Third Lie’s the Charm when it arrives in December—just in time for some chilly holiday reading!

Optional: Make like the Roeckers and KATE and take a pic of you with your hair dyed—(or you can cheat and use Photoshop J) and share with us on Twitter and Facebook! Find the Roeckers @LandLroecker and Sourcebooks Fire @sourcebooksfire and

I know what I'm about to do!  This series is new to me, but I am definitely going to check it out!

Thanks to the wonderful people at Sourcebooks we have an amazing giveaway for one lucky reader!  To go along with the campaign they are offering to send one lucky reader a YA Prize Pack!  This pack will include a copies of Six Months Later by Natalie Richards & Scorched by Mari Mancusi!  
Giveaway is open to US and Canada Residents.
Good Luck!
Six Months Later Scorched (Scorched, #1)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Review: Not A Drop To Drink by Mindy McGinnis

Not a Drop to Drink
 Not A Drop To Drink by Mindy McGinnis
Publisher: Katherine Tegan books
Expected Publication Date: September 24, 2013
Lynn knows every threat to her pond: drought, a snowless winter, coyotes, and, most importantly, people looking for a drink. She makes sure anyone who comes near the pond leaves thirsty, or doesn't leave at all.

Confident in her own abilities, Lynn has no use for the world beyond the nearby fields and forest. Having a life means dedicating it to survival, and the constant work of gathering wood and water. Having a pond requires the fortitude to protect it, something Mother taught her well during their quiet hours on the rooftop, rifles in hand.

But wisps of smoke on the horizon mean one thing: strangers. The mysterious footprints by the pond, nighttime threats, and gunshots make it all too clear Lynn has exactly what they want, and they won’t stop until they get it….

With evocative, spare language and incredible drama, danger, and romance, debut author Mindy McGinnis depicts one girl’s journey in a barren world not so different than our own.
My Thoughts:
Not A Drop To Drink is about a mother and daughter who live in the basement of their farm house and by day and night protect their pond from the roof of their home. This survival story is one that touched me and was different from other dystopian novels I have read.
Lynn was a product of her environment. Her mother instilled survival instincts and the intelligence of doing so, but what this young lady lacked was friendship. Companionship was uncommon as Lynn and her mother lived in a desolate area and the only interaction was with wild animals and the occasional rogue. There is one exception, and that was Stebb. He lived off in the distant woods in what looked like a shack. Their interaction was very slim, but when Lynn needed someone the most, is when the reader truly got to know this man.

Their situation wasn’t uncommon, however, with the shortage of fresh water, they did what was necessary to protect the one thing they knew would alter their lives had they not had it; the pond. They had a daily routine of fetching buckets of water, heating it, and storing it for later use. This was sterilized which was important, as there was bacteria that could make them sick, or worse yet, be their demise.

The strength and courage they showcased was admirable. They weathered the roughest conditions and threats. Cutting their own firewood, fighting off ravenous wild animals, growing what food they could, killing those animals for meat, gutting, cleaning and storing of it as well.

These characters were well written and tough cookies. When an accident occurs, Lynn is left with a guilt and an unknown future. And enter Stebbs. Being alone with her mother her whole life, she is timid and unsure of the friendly guy.
The story really picked up when Lynn meets Eli. She develops a personality and it was a nice change of pace from the bland persona I had been used to. Trouble ensues and Lynn is forced to explore new emotions and step outside of the box so to speak.

Throughout the book, Lynn slowly opens up and evolves into a woman. She was no longer under the strict thumb of her mother and the pacing of this was perfection. I was relieved the further the story got and the change that Lynn made.

There were plenty of obstacles and twists thrown in, but some were so touching and heartbreaking I can’t even express. I had tears in my eyes on a couple occasions and I still, after a month ago reading this, can picture those scenes and my heart just throbs thinking of them. The decisions Lynn had to make, was just unfathomable. I think the author did an excellent job pulling the reader into these characters lives and world she created. She didn’t hold back on brutality of these characters lives and what they had to do to survive. I loved that about this story. It didn’t feel contrived, but very real for their situation and I give props to her for “going there.”

I would recommend Not A Drop To Drink to anyone. It was a wonderful story filled with survival, action, emotion, and a little bit of romance (Which was very well done in my opinion).

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Review:The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

The Naturals
The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Publisher- Disney-Hyperion 
Released- Nov 5th 2013
Pre-Order- Amazon / B & N 

Seventeen-year-old Cassie is a natural at reading people. Piecing together the tiniest details, she can tell you who you are and what you want. But it’s not a skill that she’s ever taken seriously. That is, until the FBI come knocking: they’ve begun a classified program that uses exceptional teenagers to crack infamous cold cases, and they need Cassie.What Cassie doesn’t realize is that there’s more at risk than a few unsolved homicides— especially when she’s sent to live with a group of teens whose gifts are as unusual as her own.Sarcastic, privileged Michael has a knack for reading emotions, which he uses to get inside Cassie’s head—and under her skin. Brooding Dean shares Cassie’s gift for profiling, but keeps her at arm’s length.Soon, it becomes clear that no one in the Naturals program is what they seem. And when a new killer strikes, danger looms closer than Cassie could ever have imagined. Caught in a lethal game of cat and mouse with a killer, the Naturals are going to have to use all of their gifts just to survive.

My Thoughts:
Cassie gives a whole new meaning to being able to read someone. She's always had this special gift of being able to see a person and know who they are and what they want just by the way they dress or order food. But she never thought someone would be reading her as well. Cassie is a natural profiler. Recruited by the FBI as a special agent in The Program that has naturally gifted teens who are trained to help behind the scenes with cold cases the Bureau can't solve. And since Cassie's mother is presumed dead, this is the chance to do something she's been waiting to do for five years. To use her abilities to solve unsolvable crimes and maybe even solve her own mother's mystery. But when a new killer surfaces it hits a little to close to home and becomes personal. Cassie and the team of Naturals will have to use all their skills to catch a killer before it's to late.

I have never had much of a comfort zone with these kind of books. Serial killers isn't an escape I tend to venture often, but the book junkie in me can't seem to resist pushing the limits. I'm really glad I gave this book a go. I haven't had this much fun since The Body Finder days. Barnes knows how to bring on the very creepy and crazy.
I've read some of Jennifer Lynn Barnes other books before and always enjoyed the way this women can write. She has some real fantastic skills when developing the tone of her books. In her wolf series she really captures that intense dark and disciplined edge but for this book, the writing is very smooth, controlled and instantly absorbing with an overall piercing eeriness I look for in my mystery thriller escapes, as well as adding in some lighter amusing moments to shake off the scare.

I was really impressed with The Naturals right from the start. It's a a very calculating story that combines specific specialized physic skills with psychopathic serial killers. Now, this concept isn't anything new but it doesn't stop it from being completely fascinating. I loved the way Barnes may have seemed to used the traditional physic genre but twisted it into something a little bit different. In other books I've read with this kind of element, the characters usually tend to use their abilities from within, like mind reading or actually feeling the exact emotion stirring, but in this book, these characters gifts are designed to use their advantages to the physical of a subject. Mannerisms, facial expression, quirks, the clothes they wear or the car they drive, they see what's outside of a person before they dwell what may be lurking inside. 
The thrill factor is very disturbing, especially to someone like me who gets freaked out easily. On top of the thoughts of the deranged killer and what was done to the victims we also have some horrific stories that are apart of Cassie's training. Cases of other killers and what they have done, but it's more then that. It's the way Cassie and Dean analyze these scenes. When they work together to climb into the warped mind of the killers and put themselves literately in their shoes committing these horrible crimes. It's was like watching ice creeping slowly into veins. Powerless and Unsettling.

I really enjoyed all of these characters and love the way Barnes developed them throughout the story and through Cassie's profiling eyes. They are all kinds of brilliant and messed-up.
Cassie is a brave, calm, collected and curious girl that doesn't show how much everything affects her, but inside her emotions are everywhere. The Program is personal to her because of her mother, but at the same time she wants to be able to learn her role and make her dent with the team.
Michael has this twinkle of mischief the minute we meet him. He's overly confident and arrogant. He knows how to read emotions and may seem more put together then the rest of the team, but he still has a past that makes him vulnerable and human. I love the banter and playfulness he has with Cassie and the rest of the group. A very charming character.
Lia is spunky and a bit scary. She's the compulsive liar of the group and can tell when a subject is telling the truth. She brings in a lot of entertainment and sass to the story.
Sloane is eccentric and a fun addition. She's our pattern and number specialist and a bit awkward. Loved the coffee scene.
Then we have the very complicated Dean. He too is a natural profiler with a very large chip on his shoulder. Unlike Michael, Dean has been in the program at a very young age and  doesn't even have to work at knowing how a killer thinks. He comes off a little harsh but his past carries him in ways no one else can understand.
The teams chemistry was one of my favorite parts of the story. They are all bizarrely intriguing with incredible gifts that are fun to explore. The romance is well on its way to forming one of those pesky love triangles, but for now we only got a few moments that were light but sweet. The sap in me would usually complain with the lack of swoon, but the thrills and mystery took on a life of it's own in this book and anything more would have felt forced or rushed. I am however looking forward to seeing how things developed since I like both guys very much.
I also thought the ending was really well done. Somethings I get lucky and guess who the killer might be but this time I was really quite shocked. I never saw that coming and thought it was a brilliant move on Barnes part.

Bottom line, I thoroughly enjoyed myself with this book. It's fascinating, compelling and simply brilliant. It also scared the hell out of me, yes, but it was so much fun getting there. I can't wait to see where Barnes takes this next! 
An exceptional read!

Find the author:
Goodreads / Website                              4.5 Snowflakes 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Teaser Tuesday, #47

Welcome to Teaser Tuesdays! Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following: Grab your current read Open to a random page Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

My Teaser Tuesday is for the following...

Splintered (Splintered, #1)

Splintered by A. G. Howard
Publisher: Amulet Books
Publication date: January 1, 2013

My Teasers from ebook pages: 9

Maybe he thinks by seeing my mom, by sitting where I might one day live, I'll somehow beat the odds.

Without the delusions, I might never have found my artistic medium.

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Teaser Tuesdays post, or share your ‘teasers’ in a comment here if you don’t have a blog Thanks!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Review & Giveaway: Extracted by Sherry D. Ficklin & Tyler H. Jolley

by Sherry D. Ficklin & Tyler H. Jolley
Publisher- Spencer Hill Press
Released- Nov 12th 2013
Pre-Order- Amazon / B& N

Welcome to the war.The Tesla Institute is a premier academy that trains young time travelers called Rifters. Created by Nicola Tesla, the Institute seeks special individuals who can help preserve the time stream against those who try to alter it.The Hollows is a rogue band of Rifters who tear through time with little care for the consequences. Armed with their own group of lost teens--their only desire to find Tesla and put an end to his corruption of the time stream.Torn between them are Lex and Ember, two Rifters with no memories of their life before joining the time war.When Lex’s girlfriend dies during a mission, the only way he can save her is to retrieve the Dox, a piece of tech which allows Rifters to re-enter their own timeline without collapsing the time stream. But the Dox is hidden deep within the Telsa Institute, which means Lex must go into the enemy camp. It’s there he meets Ember, and the past that was stolen from them both comes flooding back.Now armed with the truth of who they are, Lex and Ember must work together to save the future before the battle for time destroys them both…again.
My Thoughts:
Once in awhile a book will come along and completely blow me away. I don't even know where to begin. I've read my share of sci-fi books before, but this is the stuff that makes my reading escape an entertaining and solid experience. Ficklin and Jolley are bright new voices in science fiction genre with their explosive novel,  Extracted!

First off, I have to applaud  the writing here. Ficklin and Jolley gotz skills. You would never know this was co-written by two different authors. Chapter after chapter the flow and pace of the story is smooth, controlled and engaging. The voices were pitch perfect and the tone of the book was filled with wild action and stunning intrigue. There is so much depth in this story and so different then any other time travel book out there. The concept is really very cool. I love the idea of time travel, but this one is mind-bending on a whole new level of awesome. I love the idea of the time stream not only being a window into history, but being some kind of tangible force making it almost physically alive. I also love the idea of combining two characters, Ember and Lex who are rivalry time travelers and connecting them to an important historical family, but with no memory of who they were or what they meant to each other. That conflict made the story even more exciting then it already was, keeping me invested and enthralled from the first page till it's gripping conclusion.

There is a lot happening here plot wise, so I'm not going to try to explain it since I think readers will want to discover all the mind boggling twist and turns this book has to offer. It's not hard to follow, mind you, but near the end of the book it starts to go from complicated to crazy-complicated and I had to really concentrate on every word to make sure that I wasn't missing anything. But once everything is said and done, it left me feeling satisfied and in awe. The ending is also really decent without any cliffhangers to drive us insane, but there is still enough questions that makes me want the second book that much sooner. 

I really love all of these characters. All of them are tremendously kick-ass in their own ways that make them easy to connect with and enjoy.
Lex is a natural leader. He's a confident in control character who is loyal and brave. I love that he doesn't even hesitate when it come to finding a way to get Stein back no matter the consequences. Stein is my kind of girl. She's a feisty little thing that's strong and smart. She doesn't need a man to protect her, she's fierce enough that she can hold her own but still excepts help when she needs it. Ember is a lot more powerful and strong then she believes, but she doubts herself and her abilities. Somewhere in her (erased) memories she knows she's failed someone and she can't shake the feeling that it'll happen again. It was really great to see her confidence grow throughout the story. Ethan is a lot like Lex, but he has a playful coolness and a punk arrogance about him that makes you want to hug instantly. Nobel is also another character that I really enjoyed. He's an awesome friend and a genius when it comes to the time tech gadgets that were pretty wicked stuff.
The romance in this book is very light but the moments we did get were warm and sweet. It may not have been the main focus of the book but it still wraps around the intentions and actions that lead these characters to go to the extreme, which was pretty romantic when you think about it.

All in all, I had a lot of fun with this book and mighty impressed. The concept is captivating, engaging and fascinating. The story-line is pulse pounding amazing, the writing is effortless and effective and these characters will climb into your heart and never let go. I can't wait to see where Ficklin & Jolley will take this next. This is one time travel experience that will have you begging for more. Brilliantly done!

Find the author: Sherry D. Ficklin- Goodreads / Website 
Find the author: Tyler H. Jolley- Goodreads / Website

                                                                    4.5 Snowflakes 

We are giving away our Arc copy of Extracted to one lucky winner. Just fill out the form below.
US/Canada Only. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Stacking the Shleves (60)

A weekly meme hosted by, Tynga's Reviews, that features the books we bought, borrowed, were gifted, and were given for review.

Okay so it's been quite a few weeks since our last StS and a lot has been going on, but I'll keep this  short and sweet and only list our highlights =)


WinterHaven Fun:

We've also had a lot of amazing books land in our happy hands since our last StS. Here are a few of our most anticipated!

Pawn (The Blackcoat Rebellion, #1) Cruel Beauty House of Ivy & Sorrow Relic (Books of Eva, #1) Unhinged (Splintered, #2) Uninvited (Uninvited, #1) Panic
For review:
*Special thanks to Amulet, A.G. Howard, Balzar & Bray, Soho Teen, Harlequin Teen, & HarperTeen*

That's it for us!  Please leave me a link so I can see all you pretties!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Review: The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die by April Henry

The Girl Who Was Supposed to DieThe Girl Who Was Supposed to Die by April Henry
Publisher: Henry Holt & Co.
Release Date: June 11, 2013
“Take her out back and finish her off.”

She doesn’t know who she is. She doesn’t know where she is, or why. All she knows when she comes to in a ransacked cabin is that there are two men arguing over whether or not to kill her.

And that she must run.

In her riveting style, April Henry crafts a nail-biting thriller involving murder, identity theft, and biological warfare. Follow Cady and Ty (her accidental savior turned companion), as they race against the clock to stay alive.
My thoughts:
I really enjoyed a previous book by April Henry so I was so excited to pick this one up.  It sounded intense and just as creepy as her other novel.  Unfortunately this one did not deliver for me and I am left with a hatred for Cady's parents and an unsatisfied itch.

The story starts off with Cady waking up in a cabin not knowing who and where she is.  She wakes up to her body in terrible pain and to the voices of two men talking about getting rid of her. She has no idea how she got into this situation, but she does know she has to save herself.  Her brain kicks in a little bit and she escapes, but her memories refuse to surface.  Cady soon bumps into a stranger who gives her the safe place she needs to think about what to do next and what follows is something completely unbelievable and truly frustrating.

Like I said I loved this authors previous books, but this one is just a mess.  I know it is fiction and and all but the story is just unbelievable.  The whole premise is about biological warfare and while that part does seem to something that could happen the chain of events don't.  Everything that happened was too convenient.  For instance, Ty the guy that decides to help Cady goes looking for information on amnesia and just happens to find something about fugue. He finds this out of about a billion sites that pop up on google and finds it rather quickly.  And while yes I can see that Cady did indeed have this I don't believe that Ty could have found this so quickly and I honestly don't believe he would have even thought to look it up.  I have never read a book where the characters gave so much thought to what caused amnesia.  Small detail I know but it just bugged me.

Cady's constant questioning also irritated me. I think half the book is spent inside her head and going over the same questions over and over again.  Her questions are valid but after the first 3 times I really don't need to read them anymore.  I never really warmed up to Cady either.  She was an okay character, but if she didn't make it in the book I wouldn't have been devastated and for a main character I should want her to live. 

My biggest issue was her parents.  Now I know YA parents tend to be MIA most of the time but WTH?!!  Cady's parents leave her by herself, don't even attempt to look more into the cabin fire to see if she was actually in there, and basically tell her that she is their only hope since they can't be seen in the building.  Ummm again WTH??!  Her parents should have been there for her, they should have found a way to get to her and be the adults!  Cady shouldn't have been the one responsible for saving her family especially when it was her parents that put her in this situation!  I am still beyond ticked off that Cady had to figure everything out on her own.  We are told that her parents are genius, but you would never know it from the way they acted.  I think this part of the storyline really killed the rest for me.  I'm not saying that I would have loved it if they had been more involved, but I probably would have rated it a little higher.

So unfortunately I am not a fan of this book.  I expected something creepy and the first 2 chapter were great with Cady waking up and going all karate crazy on her captors, but the story didn't hold up to those first few chapters.  Could just be me, but I think Ms. Henry's other novels are far superior and worth reading instead of this one.

2 snowflakes


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday, #50

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases we can't wait to get our hands on.

Here's my selection for this week...

The Fiery Heart (Bloodlines #4) by Richelle Mead
Expected publication: November 19, 2013
Publisher: Razorbill
In The Indigo Spell, Sydney was torn between the Alchemist way of life and what her heart and gut were telling her to do. And in one breathtaking moment that Richelle Mead fans will never forget, she made a decision that shocked even her. . . .

But the struggle isn't over for Sydney. As she navigates the aftermath of her life-changing decision, she still finds herself pulled in too many directions at once. Her sister Zoe has arrived, and while Sydney longs to grow closer to her, there's still so much she must keep secret. Working with Marcus has changed the way she views the Alchemists, and Sydney must tread a careful path as she harnesses her profound magical ability to undermine the way of life she was raised to defend. Consumed by passion and vengeance, Sydney struggles to keep her secret life under wraps as the threat of exposure—and re-education—looms larger than ever.

Pulses will race throughout this thrilling fourth installment in the New York Times bestselling Bloodlines series, where no secret is safe.
I'm excited to share that I'm all caught up with the Bloodlines series, so I can't wait for the fourth book to hit the stands. I've been a fan of Adrian's since Vampire Academy and I have to admit that Sydney is starting to grow on me. I hope this installment continues to cement my enthusiasm for Richelle Mead's books because when it comes to vampires, no one captures my attention more than her. Can't wait for The Fiery Heart!!

Sooo, what book are you waiting on?

New Release & Giveaway: Bold Tricks by Karina Halle

Today marks the release of the final installment of Karina Halle's The Artists Trilogy. I've been a huge fan of this series, so I'm excited to share the details about Bold Tricks, a publisher giveaway and my review of this amazing final book. Enjoy!

Bold Tricks (The Artists Trilogy #3) by Karina Halle
Publication Date: October 15, 2013
The Faster They Live, the Harder They Fall . . .

Raised by con artists, Ellie Watt has a lot of crazy childhood memories-but none crazier than being scarred with acid by the demented crime boss Travis Raines. Now Ellie is a full-grown woman who lives for revenge, and Travis is a full-blown drug lord who kills for pleasure. The sadistic bastard has kidnapped her good friend Gus as well as her mother, whom he's been holding as prized possessions in his heavily guarded lair. And Ellie has only one chance in hell of getting them out alive-using two dangerous men who love her to death . . .

One is Camden McQueen, a talented tattoo artist who's made a permanent mark on Ellie's heart. The other is Javier Bernal, her fiery ex-lover who's busted more than a few heads in his time. From the crime-ridden streets of Mexico City to the predatory jungles of Honduras, this unlikely trio forms an uneasy alliance in the deadliest game of all-a gun-blazing battle to the finish that will pit enemy against enemy and lover against lover. And Ellie must choose the right man to trust . . . or die.
My Thoughts
Wow! What an absolute rush!! This final installment of Sins & Needles was pure adrenaline pumping action from beginning to end. I’m a bit sad to see this series conclude, but Karina Halle spared no expense at making this series finale an epic showdown. Loved it to explosive pieces!!

In Bold Tricks, we pick up right where Shooting Scars left off. Javier, Ellie and Camden are trying to escape from Travis and his cartel. Ellie and Camden are on a quest to save Gus and her mother, while Javier is ready to pull out all the stops to take over Travis’s cartel and achieve the power and prestige his darkened soul seeks. With constant danger crossing their path at every turn, this unlikely trio of bad asses play a dangerous game of deceit where outsmarting and outwitting each other can mean the difference between life or death.

This entire novel played out like an action-filled movie. The scenes were explosive and vivid to such an extreme that the rush was constant from the first chapter to the last. There was not one moment of downtime and it just made the ending come that much quicker, which was bitter sweet. Halle sure knows how to end her series with both power and punch, which was exactly what I expected of her.

Because of my allegiance to Javier, I have to admit I wanted to see him get everything his dark heart desired. I really enjoyed watching his character unabashedly display his depravity. He was like a grenade that threatened constant danger who was able to detonate at any moment. He really added to the excitement of this novel. There were brief moments where he displayed his vulnerability, which at times had me wanted to just hug this twisted character, but overall he played the baddie to such a perfect extreme that I wanted some sort of reward for him at the end of the story. I won’t tell you how it ended up for him, but I will tell you he was pure bad ass.

Ellie was a character that some people had a hard time connecting with at the beginning, but if you journeyed with her through the entire series, many will find that she came full circle in her character development. She had to make some hard choices in this installment, and it was clear that the sacrifices she made broke her in small ways but never to the extreme where she was irreparable. I loved witnessing how far she was willing to go to prove she was redeemable.

If you don’t come to adore Camden, I’m thinking some sort of chip is missing. I’ll admit, I really liked him and he was attractive in a nerdy yet hard edge sort of way. He was never my first choice for coming out on top (no pun intended). However, that didn’t stop me from enjoying his bold moves and drool worthy performance. He was a perfect blend to this trio of destruction and I’m happy for how his story concluded.

Overall, this series had all the right elements to make it addicting and absolutely adrenaline pumping. Great series from beginning to end!
5 Snowflakes

About the Author
The daughter of a Norwegian Viking and a Finnish Moomin, Karina Halle grew up in Vancouver, Canada with trolls and eternal darkness on the brain. This soon turned into a love of all things that go bump in the night and a rather sadistic appreciation for freaking people out. Like many of the flawed characters she writes, Karina never knew where to find herself and has dabbled in acting, make-up artistry, film production, screenwriting, photography, travel writing and music journalism. She eventually found herself in the pages of the very novels she wrote (if only she had looked there to begin with).

Karina holds a screenwriting degree from Vancouver Film School and a Bachelor of Journalism from TRU. Her travel writing, music reviews/interviews and photography have appeared in publications such as Consequence of Sound, Mxdwn and GoNomad Travel Guides. She currently splits her time between her apartment in downtown Vancouver and her sailboat, where a book and a bottle of wine are always at hand. She’s hard at work on her next novel.Authors Social Networking links:
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Be sure to enter this publisher giveaway. Details below:

1 WINNER: iPad mini pre-loaded with all three digital Artist Trilogy books (SINS & NEEDELES, SHOOTING SCARS, & BOLD TRICKS) preloaded, and ON EVERY STREET novella included!

5 WINNER: A signed print Artist Trilogy (SINS & NEEDLES, SHOOTING SCARS, BOLD TRICKS) prize pack!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, October 14, 2013

Teaser Tuesday, #46

Welcome to Teaser Tuesdays! Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following: Grab your current read Open to a random page Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

My Teaser Tuesday is for the following...

The Iron Traitor (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten, #2)
The Iron Traitor (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten, #2) by Julie Kagawa
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Expected Publication Date: October 29, 2013

*Quotes are from an Advanced Reading Copy*

Teasers from Pages 34 & 56

"He has no idea what this means, what it has started. Neither of you realize what could happen now."

"I saw the change, the subtle shift from my familiar older sister to the immensely powerful Iron Queen, right there on my bed. She didn't move, but her energy filled the room, making the air crackle and the lights flicker."

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Teaser Tuesdays post, or share your ‘teasers’ in a comment here if you don’t have a blog Thanks!